Your Semiconductor Specialists

In an era of unprecedented change, we place people into the microelectronics jobs that shape our world.

Semiconductor recruitment is where we started, and now we're one of the best.

Technology is evolving at a rapid pace. And over the last several years, we have been placing candidates into components jobs across the leading technology companies of the world.

From the Design Engineers creating the latest prototypes and the Sales and Marketing Leaders taking the product to market to the Project Managers looking over the whole business, we can cover all bases within the sector, whether you’re looking for semiconductor recruiters or you’re a job hunter. 

Why choose us as your semiconductor recruiters?

Our success comes from striving to serve the world’s technology industries with our market-leading recruitment services. Respect and integrity are core to our approach, as is our expert knowledge gleaned from years of matching excellent candidates with the right technical and commercial roles.

With a view to the future, we know that this industry is constantly changing. We understand the complex job requirements that might not be commonplace yet and our extensive background in the industry provides us with a credible reputation for placing talent across the IC design and manufacturing 

Semiconductor industries we currently recruit in

The areas we cover start with Design and flow all the way through testing to sales and marketing. 

A new era of creativity and innovation is on the horizon, as the semiconductor industry turns its focus to developing new technology, rather than scaling, porting and integration.

Find out more about the future of the Semiconductor sector with our latest industry insights report.

We can find you world-class candidates within the Semiconductor sector.

